Wild Bear Inn

4236 Parkway
Pigeon Forge, TN, is home to the Wild Bear Inn, a great place to stay when exploring the Smokies. All the attractions and activities in the area are easily accessible from the Inn, which offers spacious rooms and suites with stunning mountain views. You'll find a spacious, clean room with a bed, a desk, and a private bathroom when you enter your room. This Westgate resort features a fitness center with modern exercise equipment and a hot tub. The swimming pool is also open during the summer months. Dolly's Stampede, Alpine Coaster Pigeon Forge Mountain Coaster, and Hatfield & McCoy Dinner Show in Pigeon Forge are a few of the many activities available in the Smokies. 

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  • _yoast_wpseo_metadesc: Escape to the tranquility of the Smoky Mountains with Westgate Resorts Wild Bear Inn in Pigeon Forge. Browse Wild Bear Inn timeshares for sale.
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  • houzez_resort_highlights: Pigeon Forge, TN, is home to the Wild Bear Inn, a great place to stay when exploring the Smokies. All the attractions and activities in the area are easily accessible from the Inn, which offers spacious rooms and suites with stunning mountain views. You'll find a spacious, clean room with a bed, a desk, and a private bathroom when you enter your room. This Westgate resort features a fitness center with modern exercise equipment and a hot tub. The swimming pool is also open during the summer months. Dolly's Stampede, Alpine Coaster Pigeon Forge Mountain Coaster, and Hatfield & McCoy Dinner Show in Pigeon Forge are a few of the many activities available in the Smokies. 
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