Sunset Marina Resort & Yacht Club

Boulevard Kukulcan Km 5.8 Lote 13-B
Get a taste of luxury and all-inclusive living at Sunset Marina Resort & Yacht Club, where guests can enjoy a private yacht experience for a set number of hours during one day. It doesn't stop there! As part of the all-inclusive plan, you can also enjoy mouthwatering meals, snacks, and beverages from room service, the minibar, restaurants, and a snack bar. Watch the nightly shows when the sun sets. Are you interested in exploring the area? You can reach affiliated Sunset resorts by shuttle service. A snorkeling jungle tour and one-way airport transportation are included, as well as children's activities. Among the resort's many amenities are non-motorized water sports, a scuba demonstration, a marina, boating, waterskiing, windsurfing, jet-skiing, a pool, a kiddy pool, a spa, a playground, a salon, and even car rentals.

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: Get a taste of luxury and all-inclusive living at Sunset Marina Resort & Yacht Club, where guests can enjoy a private yacht experience for a set number of hours during one day. It doesn't stop there! As part of the all-inclusive plan, you can also enjoy mouthwatering meals, snacks, and beverages from room service, the minibar, restaurants, and a snack bar. Watch the nightly shows when the sun sets. Are you interested in exploring the area? You can reach affiliated Sunset resorts by shuttle service. A snorkeling jungle tour and one-way airport transportation are included, as well as children's activities. Among the resort's many amenities are non-motorized water sports, a scuba demonstration, a marina, boating, waterskiing, windsurfing, jet-skiing, a pool, a kiddy pool, a spa, a playground, a salon, and even car rentals.
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