The Stardust Lodge

4061 Lake Tahoe Blvd

Ideally situated, Stardust-Tahoe is 700-feet from Harrah's and Harvey's casinos, five minutes from Heavenly Valley Ski Resort, and a ten-minute walk from Lake Tahoe. In addition to a great location, the resort offers two outdoor pools and a large whirlpool. Year-round, you'll find a wealth of sight-seeing attractions. Take a cruise aboard the M.S. Dixie, an old-fashioned paddle wheel steamer. Another must-see is the Heavenly Valley tram, from which you'll be treated to spectacular views of the lake and mountains.

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: <p>Ideally situated, Stardust-Tahoe is 700-feet from Harrah's and Harvey's casinos, five minutes from Heavenly Valley Ski Resort, and a ten-minute walk from Lake Tahoe. In addition to a great location, the resort offers two outdoor pools and a large whirlpool. Year-round, you'll find a wealth of sight-seeing attractions. Take a cruise aboard the M.S. Dixie, an old-fashioned paddle wheel steamer. Another must-see is the Heavenly Valley tram, from which you'll be treated to spectacular views of the lake and mountains.</p>
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