Schooner Landing

201 NW 66th Dr
Enjoy all the prestige and luxury of Schooner Landing located on a wooded stretch of Oregon coastline. Every unit in this resort complex offers the utmost comfort with a full kitchen, dishwasher, fireplace, and more. On-site amenities include a comprehensive recreational center with racquetball, volleyball, basketball, billiards, an indoor pool, a sauna, a whirlpool, and a fantastic exercise facility. Nearby attractions such as golf, casinos, and scuba diving provide an endless assortment of activities. Enjoy trips to favorites such as the Undersea Gardens, the Marine Science Center, Devil's Punchbowl Natural Area, local lighthouses, whale-watching, and the Oregon Coast Aquarium.

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Schooner Landing

  • $1.00
201 NW 66th Dr
  • 1 Bedroom

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: Enjoy all the prestige and luxury of Schooner Landing located on a wooded stretch of Oregon coastline. Every unit in this resort complex offers the utmost comfort with a full kitchen, dishwasher, fireplace, and more. On-site amenities include a comprehensive recreational center with racquetball, volleyball, basketball, billiards, an indoor pool, a sauna, a whirlpool, and a fantastic exercise facility. Nearby attractions such as golf, casinos, and scuba diving provide an endless assortment of activities. Enjoy trips to favorites such as the Undersea Gardens, the Marine Science Center, Devil's Punchbowl Natural Area, local lighthouses, whale-watching, and the Oregon Coast Aquarium.
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