Royal Club At Palm-Jumeirah

P.O. Box 347474
Located at one of the world's most prestigious residential and vacation destinations, Dubai's famous Palm Island is a top water-sport area, with superb beaches on 38 miles (60 kilometers) of coastline, and a world-class diving center. Palm Island's 2-mile (2.5 kilometers) radius contains a variety of restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, sports facilities, and over 30 hotels ranging from major international names to themed and boutique establishments. Also within 7 miles (10 kilometers) are three golf courses and a water park.

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: Located at one of the world's most prestigious residential and vacation destinations, Dubai's famous Palm Island is a top water-sport area, with superb beaches on 38 miles (60 kilometers) of coastline, and a world-class diving center. Palm Island's 2-mile (2.5 kilometers) radius contains a variety of restaurants, shopping and entertainment centers, cinemas, sports facilities, and over 30 hotels ranging from major international names to themed and boutique establishments. Also within 7 miles (10 kilometers) are three golf courses and a water park.
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