Aruba Beach Club

JE Irausquin Blvd 53P.O. Box 368

Enjoy a diver's paradise that offers incredible luxury on the beach in Aruba. This Resort of International Distinction is located on the edge of some of the world's most beautiful waters that boast a visibility of more than 150-feet. Scuba and snorkel charters in the region provide a unique experience that can't be contained by mere words. It is truly awe inspiring and allows you to glimpse an entirely new undersea world. On-site, enjoy a variety of amenities such as exercise facilities, game rooms, grocery, spa and salon, playground, pools, restaurant and live entertainment, shopping, tennis, and more. There is a casino directly across the street and championship golf just a few miles away.

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: <p>Enjoy a diver's paradise that offers incredible luxury on the beach in Aruba. This Resort of International Distinction is located on the edge of some of the world's most beautiful waters that boast a visibility of more than 150-feet. Scuba and snorkel charters in the region provide a unique experience that can't be contained by mere words. It is truly awe inspiring and allows you to glimpse an entirely new undersea world. On-site, enjoy a variety of amenities such as exercise facilities, game rooms, grocery, spa and salon, playground, pools, restaurant and live entertainment, shopping, tennis, and more. There is a casino directly across the street and championship golf just a few miles away.</p>
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