Marriott’s Kauai Lagoons – Kalanipu’u

3610 Rice St
At Marriott's Kauai Lagoons, you'll find lush tropical gardens and a mile-long beachfront where you can enjoy panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. It's the perfect place for surfers and sunbathers alike, with beach access and a free-form pool area surrounded by palm trees. Two championship golf courses are nearby, and there are also late-night luaus to enjoy. Your Hawaiian vacation is finally here. Enjoy it to the fullest. There are two restaurants, a private beach, boat rentals, tennis, childcare, and a top-notch clubhouse at the resort. Timeshare resorts in Hawaii have never been more luxurious.

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: At Marriott's Kauai Lagoons, you'll find lush tropical gardens and a mile-long beachfront where you can enjoy panoramic views of the Pacific Ocean. It's the perfect place for surfers and sunbathers alike, with beach access and a free-form pool area surrounded by palm trees. Two championship golf courses are nearby, and there are also late-night luaus to enjoy. Your Hawaiian vacation is finally here. Enjoy it to the fullest. There are two restaurants, a private beach, boat rentals, tennis, childcare, and a top-notch clubhouse at the resort. Timeshare resorts in Hawaii have never been more luxurious.
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