Roundhouse Resort

5829 Buck Springs Rd
Noted for its beautiful scenery and historical sites, the Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona's White Mountains is the quiet, relaxed setting for Roundhouse Resort. Grand Canyon National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, and the Painted Desert are less than a five-hour drive away. The resort's recreation center boasts an indoor pool, whirlpool, and racquetball court. Sunrise ski area, about 25 miles from the resort, offers 60 trails and vertical drops of 1,800 feet. In warmer months, enjoy nearby trout fishing, golf, tennis, hiking, and horseback riding. Onsite amenities include in-unit kitchens, exercise facilities, children's activities, a pool, a hot tub, and a racquetball court.

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  • houzez_resort_highlights: Noted for its beautiful scenery and historical sites, the Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona's White Mountains is the quiet, relaxed setting for Roundhouse Resort. Grand Canyon National Park, Petrified Forest National Park, and the Painted Desert are less than a five-hour drive away. The resort's recreation center boasts an indoor pool, whirlpool, and racquetball court. Sunrise ski area, about 25 miles from the resort, offers 60 trails and vertical drops of 1,800 feet. In warmer months, enjoy nearby trout fishing, golf, tennis, hiking, and horseback riding. Onsite amenities include in-unit kitchens, exercise facilities, children's activities, a pool, a hot tub, and a racquetball court.
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