Seller Notes:Fixed Week: 242 Bedroom Lockoff UnitNext use: 2025Maintenance fees 2023: $1,683Per the estoppel dated 11/28/2023 there are 27 usage weeks remaining withthis ownership.Per the owner: Week 23 also available! the owner: The Sea Aquarium was by far my late wife's and my favoriteresort and thus we spent every anniversary there for fifteen years untilCovid and health problems interfered. One of our favorite pastimes was towatch from our balcony as the dolphins from the Sea Aquarium were let outinto the open waters right below us for training or diving with scubadivers. From our vantage point they would look like torpedoes movingthrough the water. As longtime surveyors for REEF, the reef right off theSea Aquarium was, in our opinion, the best in the Caribbean forsnorkeling.*Closing costs and transfer fees are to be paid by the buyer**Buyer to pay maintenance fees for first year of usage*